Multiple kinect static transform
Hi, I'm trying to use RGBDSlam and Octomap on multiple Kinects. But not simultaneously. I would run one kinect each time. The loop is to slam an area, send the model to octomap server then launch a...
View ArticleGazebo initial view of world - my rendering:gui fltk tag is not working
Ubuntu 12.04 Fuerte Gazebo 1.0.2 Hi The following posts describe how to set the initial distance/orientation of the static camera view when your Gazebo .world file loads:...
View ArticleHow to use a static library?
Specifically, I am trying use the RoBoIO library that comes with the RoBoard. The library consists of two folders: Include, which has all the .h files, and Lib, which has a .a file. Without using ROS,...
View Articlecontributing to ros
Hi, I wrote a new package for ros groovy ([here]( and I would like to share it with others so that they can use just apt-get to install it. However, I have some...
View ArticleStatic library link
I am running a Ubuntu 12.04 64bits fuerte installation. I have an static library from Force Dimension which i'm trying to link using the target_link_libraries(). Rosmake gives the following error over...
View ArticleStatic objects in Lidar view: set minimum distance or remove a sub-range of...
I have a Lidar which I can only mount on my robot in such a way that there is always a static obstacle (part of the robot) in the middle of the Lidar range. I am planning to use the Lidar for obstacle...
View Articlerqt plugin crhashes static map rviz
Dear all, I have created a `rqt plugin` in python. When I run the application `rqt` and then I invoke the launch file within my `` and then I tick the `static map` option in `Rviz`, I get the...
View ArticleGmapping - entropy has fixed value
Hi everyone! I run gmapping with Hokuyo laser scanner. I published the transforms this way, so I can't really estimate the position in the map, but it works for a static position, and if I move the...
View ArticleHow to save static transforms in bag files?
How do I save a static transform in a bag file so I get a self contaned bag file that can be replayed? Not it seems like for example rviz do not understand a static transform in a bag file.
View Article/etc/network/interfaces configuration for urg node
Hi guys. I got problem with the network when im using urg_node for Hokuyo Laser Scan. After running roscore, I start up urg_node with: rosrun urg_node urg_node _ip_address:="" However im...
View ArticleHow to put a launch file?
Hi all. I'm trying to create a launch file as part of Hokuyo TF. Credits to Malefitz for the codes. However, I'm wondering where should I copy the .launch file to. Thanks for any help!
View ArticleErrors in RVIZ and Static Transform Publisher with Hokuyo
I managed to use Hokuyo laser to scan the area and display on the grid. However I still encounter some problems such as: TF /map: Warning TF /my_frame: Warning Map: Warning I'm not sure what I missed...
View ArticleCompiling and adding a static library
Hello, I have a question regarding a library. I want to use a library within my catkin package (I use jade). With the following structure: In the src folder of my project I have added the library...
View ArticleThe difference between static library(.a) and shared object library(.so)
Dear All, Could anybody explain what difference between static library(.a) and shared object(.so) is in ROS library types? How can I build them? Is there another type? I have written a c++ class and...
View ArticleCan't access static class variable in tests
Hello, I'm trying to access a static class variable from the gtests but compiling yields a undefined reference error. >...
View ArticlePlayback of rosbag with tf2-static transforms
Hello ROS users, I've got a robot setup where (most) of the static transforms are defined by an URDF (which results in tf2-static tfs). During a testrun we recoded plenty of bag-files which where...
View Articlestatically linked roscpp
I'm working on a small system and I'm trying to optimize the build and distribution process for roscpp by statically linking it. As a sample, I'm trying to run the topic_tools relay node, and I'm...
View Articlehector map static map
Hello everyone, I'm new to the forum and to ROS. I'm trying to use hector_slam without it updating the map. The reason is I have loaded a static map via map_server, the map loads correctly but only...
View ArticleError linking static library: error adding symbols
Hello I have a problem with a static library I want to use. The library is called libSensor.a and is built by a cmake project using cmake 3.11 and linking to boost 1.67, I can't change these...
View ArticleGazebo : Detecting collision with a static object using contact sensor pugin
Hi, DISCLAIMER: I know this is a gazebo question and not ROS only question. I posted on [Gazebosim...
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